Image Analysis Using Improved Otsu’s Thresholding Method

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Himanshu Makkar, Aditya Pundir


A fresh and new algorithm for retrieval of image is accessible using improved Otsu thresholdingtechniques in this chapter. The fundamental design work of the new algorithm is that the basic segments of the image are used to retrieve images within a digital library. the histogram derived from threshold. These methods include some knowledge of the distribution of an image, & will result in the less miss-classification. Isodata algorithm is the iterative process for finding a threshold value. It first segments the image into two regions according to a temporary threshold value chosen .It then calculates the mean value of an image corresponding to the two segmented regions. Calculate the new threshold value& repeat until the threshold value does not change any more. Finally, choose this value for the threshold segmentation.One of the advantages of the algorithm is that, for a given retrieval image, the user can select aquery segment with which to perform retrieval, thus it can satisfy different needs from different users.

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How to Cite
, H. M. A. P. (2014). Image Analysis Using Improved Otsu’s Thresholding Method. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2(8), 2122–2126.