Emergent System using Tweet Analyzer Naturally Inspired Computing Approach

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N.sharmila, B .Anantharaj, R.Hariraman


Nowadays much system has developed to reach the people during disasters. A social interaction with the micro blogging services has vastly increased. Twitter a well popularsocial mediumhas scarcity of attention makes people interacting with each other.Thispaper explores the use of twitter for disaster event using text classifier.It analyses the targeted event with tweeted text and identifies the target and its location. By the use of SVMs, thetext classifiers are achieved.SVM performs the methods of Bayesian filtering for the informative messages of particular event. This methodof filtering works best compare with the other methods for estimating the informative messages. As an application we are sending an E-mail and SMS alert message through the twitter and thedeclared set of friends and followers follows the messages.

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How to Cite
, N. B. .Anantharaj, R. (2014). Emergent System using Tweet Analyzer Naturally Inspired Computing Approach. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2(8), 2094–2097. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v2i8.3660