Grey Cast iron The best suitable material for lathe machine bed

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Ajay Bhardwaj


A lathe can be made from various materials for each component such as the lathe bed. When making a lathe, startby building the lathe bed. Choosing the right material to use is important for its stability and durability.The materials that usemust be suitable for repeated use and durability. One of the primary considerations is damping. Working with a lathe causes vibrations that are caused by noise, mechanical oscillations or alternating currents. Damping reduces vibrations by dissipating theenergy.Grey Cast Iron is made by remelting pig iron. It is an alloy of Carbon and Iron. Small amounts of Silicon, Phosphorus, Manganese and Sulfur are also present in it. The reasons behind its popularity are ability to make complex structures and low cost. In addition, the excellent properties of Grey Cast Iron have made it one of the most widely used alloys.

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How to Cite
, A. B. (2014). Grey Cast iron The best suitable material for lathe machine bed. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2(8), 2092–2093.