A Comparative Study on Social Maturity among School Going Rural Teenagers; Gujarat, INDIA

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Sarita Sanwal, Dr. Shridhar Joshi, Serene Shekhar


School is a place where young people experiment with social roles and develop new aspects to their sense of self. Teenage is a period of personal development during which a young person must establish a sense of individual identity and feeling of self-worth. The aims of the study were 1. To find out the level of Social Maturity and gender difference among girls and boys in the age group of 13 to 15 years at Secondary Schools.2.To study the impact of counseling on Social Maturity of teenagers.Two villages of Dantiwada Block, Banaskantha District of Gujarat state were randomly selected for the study. 120 school going teenagers (inclusive of 60 girls and 60 boys) of the respective villages were randomly selected. Self-made questionnaire was prepared for getting the background/ basic profile of the child. One standardized tool “Social Maturity Scale (RSMS)” by developed by Nalini Rao was used for assessment of Social Maturity of the teenagers. Result revealed that More than half approximate 70 percent of the students of rural area were socially matured and there was no significant gender difference among the students on social maturity. This might be because, during the developmental stage adolescents will be self confident, self directed, warm empathic, responsible and competitive, they have the ability to work and have problem solving skills.

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How to Cite
, S. S. D. S. J. S. S. (2014). A Comparative Study on Social Maturity among School Going Rural Teenagers; Gujarat, INDIA. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2(12), 3990–3993. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v2i12.3599