Comparative Analysis of Grid side Converters for Leakage Current Reduction

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J.Venkata Ramanaiah, V.Naga Bhaskar Reddy


Design of grid side converters comprises of galvanic isolation between the grid and DC supply .Now a days, for low power applications are effecting more because of high leakage current due to parasitic effect between grid and DC supply, in order to limit the ground leakage current (which deteriorates the power quality and generates EMI), new converter topologies have been proposed. This paper proposes the comparative analysis of H5 and H6 topologies in the aspects of leakage current reduction, parasitic capacitance effect and voltage balancing across the dc mains. The performances of the topologies are also analyzed by implementing modulation techniques. Simulated and tabulated results of H5 and H6 topologies conclude the performance evaluation.

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How to Cite
, J. R. V. B. R. (2014). Comparative Analysis of Grid side Converters for Leakage Current Reduction. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2(9), 2833–2838.