Hybrid Techniques On Color And Multispectral Image For Compression

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C. Senthilkumar, Dr. S. Pannirselvam


Image Compression is a technique to reduce the number of bits required to represent and store an image. This technique is also used to compress two dimensional color shapes without loss of data as well as quality of the Image. Even though Simple Principal Component Analysis can apply to make enough compression on multispectral image, it needs to extend another version called Enhanced PCA(E-PCA). The given multispectral image is converted into component image and transformed as Column Vector with help of E-PCA. Covariance matrix and eigen values are derived from vector. Multispectral images are reconstructed using only few principal component images with the largest variance of eigen value. Then the component image is divided into block. After finding block sum value, mean value, the number of bits required to represent an image can be reduced by E-BTC model. The features are extracted and constructed in Table form. The proposed algorithm is repeated for all multispectral images as well as color image in the database. Finally, compression ratio table is generated. This proposed algorithm is tested and implemented on various parameters such as MSE, PSNR. These experiments are initially carried out on the standard color image and are to be followed by multispectral imager using MATLAB.

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How to Cite
, C. S. D. S. P. (2014). Hybrid Techniques On Color And Multispectral Image For Compression. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2(9), 2824–2832. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v2i9.3304