UDP-Based Multi-Stream Communication Protocol Using NS2

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Vandana Vijay Belkhode, Prof. D. M. Dakhane


In these we have to discuss about two basic protocols one is connectionless and other is connection-oriented. In connectionless protocol handshaking are not required but in connection-oriented protocol handshaking process are most important. UDP (user data gram protocol) is an example of connectionless protocol, TCP (transmission control protocol) is connection-oriented protocol. A connection-oriented communication is a data communication made that requires an overhead in setting up a request for connection before sending any type of data communication message. In Connectionless Protocol cannot require any type of handshaking process for sending a data. The communication method, in which communication occurs between hosts. The device at one end of the communication transmits data to the other, without first ensuring that the delivery report is available and ready to accepting the data. The server sending a message to sends it add ressed to the intended recipient. The Internet Protocol (IP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) are connectionless protocols, but TCP/IP (the most com mon use of IP) is connection-oriented. Here we have to study how to use UDP connectionless protocol as a connection oriented protocol. But these two protocols are not sufficient for todays internet. Today we want more flexible, more efficient protocol. For fulfill is requirement we developed the new generation protocol SCTP. The full name is Stream Control Transmission Protocol. SCTP is fulfilling the each and every requirement of todays internet very effectively. It is basically more similar with TCP because it is also a connection-oriented protocol. In SCTP there are four step connection setup processes. All basic features of TCP and UDP are included in SCTP protocol.

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How to Cite
, V. V. B. P. D. M. D. (2014). UDP-Based Multi-Stream Communication Protocol Using NS2. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2(3), 688–690. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v2i3.3037