Notopedia Self Learning Study Material BIBLIOPHILY

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Anjali S.Jibhakate, Ankita J. Gakare, Rinku C. Nag, Prof.Rahul V. Bambodkar


This project aims at addressing the formal system of students academic, technical activities and notices management system by implementation of an online system for these purposes. Colleges follow a manual system to provide students with their notices, notes and other important documents that are needed . This current system provides students with the bibliophilic data by means of printed notes and documentation. Notices are provided on a notice board which is accessible to students in college premises only. This current analogue system requires a lot of paperwork and cost to provide students with the basic documentation like notes and question papers. Also this analogue system fails at providing the students the flexibility required in terms of time and location, to access these documentation. The concept of notice board i n the college premises is restricted by strictly location requiring students to travel for get ting access to the notices Displayed for them. Moreover this analogue technique is responsible for consumption of more time than is really required for such a short process. Development of this system ensures at addressing these drawbacks of the current sy stem of flexibility and time management. This system uses a web based approach to address and solve these issues by creating an online management system to manage the notes, notices, question papers and student data, unlike formal system. Al so databases ha ve been kept distributed so as to increase the security of data in the system.

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How to Cite
, A. S. A. J. G. R. C. N. P. V. B. (2014). Notopedia Self Learning Study Material BIBLIOPHILY. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2(3), 574–577.