Controlled Cloud Based SaaS Service Scheme to Denial the Hotspot Locating Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks

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K.Jegadeeswaran, S.Ramakrishnan, M.Mailsamy


The wireless sensor networks opponent can make use of the traffic informations to locate the monitored objects in Software as a service(Saas) , e.g., to identify the opponent soldiers. In this paper, we first define a hotspot phenomenon through SaaS and it causes an obvious inconsistency in the network traffic pattern due to the large volume of packets originating from a small area in Partial controlled cloud based scheme . Second, we develop a realistic opponent model, assuming that the opponent can monitor the network traffic in multiple areas, rather than the entire network or only one area. Using this model, Hotspot - Locating where the opponent uses traffic analysis techniques to locate hotspots. Finally, we propose a controlled cloud - based SaaS scheme for efficiently protecting against Hotspot - Locating attack by creating a controlled cloud with an irregular shape of fake traffic, inconsistency in the traffic pattern and camouflage the source node in the nodes for ming the controlled clou d . To reduce the energy cost, controlled cloud s are active only during data transmission and the intersection of controlled cloud s creates a larger merged controlled cloud , to reduce the number of fake packets and also boost preservation. Simulation and a nalytical results demonstrate that our scheme can provide stronger protection than routing - based schemes and requires much less energy than global - adversary schemes.

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How to Cite
, K. S. M. (2014). Controlled Cloud Based SaaS Service Scheme to Denial the Hotspot Locating Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2(3), 507–512.