Reducing Latency by Clustering Based Index Services using Hybrid Cache in Ad Hoc Networks

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Ms.V.Neela Gandhi, Mr.R.Alexander, Mr.C.GopalaKrishnan


An efficient index structure is presented to guide mobile clients to the - objects. The proposed broadcast scheduling and indexing is aimed at minimizing query access time and energy consumption of the clients when retrieving - objects through wireless channels . W e design and evaluate cooperative caching techniques to efficiently support data access in ad hoc networks. We first propose two schemes: Cache Data , which caches the data, and Cache Path , which caches the data path. After analyzing the performance of those two schemes, we propose a hybrid approach ( Hybrid Cache ), which can further improve the performance by taking advantage of Cache Data and Cache Path while avoiding their weaknesses. Cache replacement policies are also studied to further improve the performance. Simulation results show that the proposed schemes can signifi cantly reduce the query delay and message complexity when compared to other caching schemes.

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How to Cite
, M. G. M. M. (2014). Reducing Latency by Clustering Based Index Services using Hybrid Cache in Ad Hoc Networks. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2(3), 447–456.