XML Standardized W3C Tool for effective communication between B2B or B2C Applications

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J.Shyam Jegadeesh, J.John Spencer, P.Libin Jacob, D.Shine Rajesh


XML is becoming a standard for communicating the information or data over the internet. The shift from SGML to XML has created new demands for managing the structured documents. Many XML documents will be transient representations for the purpose of data exchange between different types of applications, but there will also be a need for effective means to manage persistent XML data as a database. In this paper we explore the different types of XML documents and XML databases. The purpose of the paper is not to suggest this technology is covering all the features necessary for effective communication of data between applications. Instead the purpose is to initiate discussion of the requirements arising from document collections, to offer a context in which to evaluate current and future solutions, and to encourage the develop ment of proper models and systems for XML database management. Our discussion addresses issues arising from data modeling, data definition, and data manipulation. In future, XML will become the standard for communicating data between business - to - business applications, inventory database access and sharing, integration of commercial transactions, and workflow

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How to Cite
, J. J. J. S. P. J. D. R. (2014). XML Standardized W3C Tool for effective communication between B2B or B2C Applications. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2(2), 319–324. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v2i2.2964