LI_FI Overview and Implementation in Medical Field

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PoojashreeN.S, P. Haripriya, Muneshwara M.S , Anil G.N


With the wide use of wireless gadgets, the demand of wireless internet is increasing at a very high pace and stealing it from the guy next door, or competing for bandwidth at a conference, the slow speeds you face when more than one device is tapped into the network. When many devices access wireless internet, clogged airwaves are going to make it. To over come this there is a solution known as "Data through illumination". This technology is known as "LI - FI" Li - Fi is a technology that makes use of LED light which helps in the transmission of data much faster and flexible than data tha t can be transmitted through Wi - Fi. Light reaches nearly everywhere so communication can also go along with light freely. Light Fidelity is a branch of optical wireless communication which is an emerging technology. By using visible light as transmission medium, Li - Fi provides wireless indoor communication. The bit rate achieved by Li - Fi cannot be achieved by Wi - Fi. Li - Fi is the transfer of data through light by taking fiber out of fiber optics and sending data through LED light. In this paper we are concerned with the use of li - fi in the field of medicine. As the wi - fi cannot be used along with the medical equipments due to the radio waves we implement li - fi in those places .

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How to Cite
, P. P. H. M. M. , A. G. (2014). LI_FI Overview and Implementation in Medical Field. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2(2), 288–291.