Threshold and Time Based Overload Detection Approach For Proxy Based Self Tuned Overload Control for Web Servers

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Charulata J. Patil


In todays world, almost all of the E - commer ce websites or applications are available over the Internet. Such websites are often faced with incoming load of requests that exceeds their capacity, i.e. they are subjected to overload. Most existing web servers sh ow severe drop in throughput and thus degraded performance at high overload. The reference paper [1] suggests a Proxy based overload control mechanism, which uses the drop in throughput relative to arri val rate as an indicator of overload. On overload detection, a self - clocked admission control is activated, which admits a new request only when a successful reply is observed to be leaving the server system. Thus, the mechanism is self - tuned, and requires no knowledge of the system hardware. Such overload detection approach is time based and hence has a few limitations. This paper suggests a new overload detection approach that is Threshold and time based overload detection approach and comments about its advantages over the Time based overload detection approach. The paper also involves analysing and comparing the results of Tomcat server without overload control , Proxy Based Self Tuned Overload Control (PBSTOC) with Time based overload detection [1] and PBSTOC with Threshold and Time based overload detection.

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How to Cite
, C. J. P. (2014). Threshold and Time Based Overload Detection Approach For Proxy Based Self Tuned Overload Control for Web Servers. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2(2), 225–230.