Naive Properties on Rough Connectives under Fuzziness

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G.Ganesan, BNV Satish


In recent era, since implementing fuzzy concepts into the existing conventional models improve the efficiency, several hybridized models are being derived by the re searchers. In this line, i n 2005, G.Ganesan et. al., have introduced rough approximations on fuzzy sets using thresholds. Later, in 2008, G.Ganesan, introduced an innovative way of approximating the connectives in fuzzy predicate calculus through r ough sets. In this paper, additional properties of the connectives thus derived have been derived.

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How to Cite
, G. B. S. (2014). Naive Properties on Rough Connectives under Fuzziness. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2(2), 216–221.