Remote Data Integrity Checking in Cloud Computing

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Khaba M.V, M.Santhanalakshmi


Cloud computing is an internet based computing which enables sharing of services. It is very challenging part to keep safely all required data that are needed in many applica f or user in cloud. Storing our data in cloud may not be fully trustworthy. Since client doesnt have copy of all stored data, he has to depend on Cloud Service Provider. This work studies the problem of ensuring the integrity and security of data storage in Cloud Computing. This paper, proposes an effective and flexible Batch Audit sche me with dynamic data support to reduce the computation overheads. To ensure the correctness of users data the task of allowing a third party auditor (TPA), on behalf of the cloud client, to verify the integrity of the data stored in the cloud. We consider symmetric encryption for effective utilization of outsourced cloud data under the model, it achieve the storage security in multi cloud data storage. The new scheme further supports secure and efficient dynamic operation sondata blocks, including data i nserti on, update,delete and replacement. Extensive securityand performance analysis shows that the proposed sche me is highlyef ficient and resilient again st By zantinef ailure, maliciousd a ta modification at tack, and even server colliding a ttacks.

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How to Cite
, K. M. M. (2013). Remote Data Integrity Checking in Cloud Computing. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 1(6), 553–557.