Role of Geoinformatics for Ghana oil and gas industry

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Jonathan A. Quaye-Ballard, Ru An, Samuel A. Andam-Akorful and Naa L. Quaye-Ballard


The Geoinformatics Engineer (GE), who uses mathematical theory and precise measurements for the collection and distribution of geospatial data, plays a significant role in the oil and gas industry. The paper reviews the role the HE would play in t he recent oil and gas discovery in Ghana. This is because the GE is required in the planning and execution of nearly every form of activities at the upstream, midstream and downstream; for example offshore and onshore construction, exploration and engineering for the production and dissemination of oil and gas. Ghana is at the initial stages in the commercial production of oil and gas; and thus needs research institutions with excellent practical and research skills, such as the Department of Geomat ic Engineering (DGE), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Ghana and School of Earth Sciences and Engineering (SESE), Hohai University, China, in employing Geoinformatics theories, applications and principles for geospatial decision making for sustainable production of oil and gas for Ghana and the Sub - Saharan Africa. SESE expertise in 3S Technology would greatly assist in the construction and monitoring of oil and gas infrastructures at the upstream, midstream and downstr eam. The pap er recommends useful suggestions for smooth management of the oil and gas industry focusing on GEs and research institutions.

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How to Cite
, J. A. Q.-B. R. A. S. A. A.-A. and N. L. Q.-B. (2013). Role of Geoinformatics for Ghana oil and gas industry. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 1(6), 539–546.