Study of Artificial Neural Networks and Neural Implants

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Yashika Birdi, Tanjyot Aurora, Parul Arora


Throughout the years, the computational changes have brought growth to new technologies.Such is the case of artificial neural networks, that over the years, have given various solutions to the industry.An Artificial neural network was motivated by models of the biological brain .It can create its own organization or representation of information it receives during learning time. It is a adaptive model that is constructed by first trying to conclude the essential features of neurones and their interconnections. We then typically program a computer to simulate these features. It consists of many very simple processors units.The major areas of applications of artificial neural networks include medicine, business and forecasting .other application areas include Robotics, Neural implants, image processing ,data mining etc. one such area is Neural implants also known as brain implants have been used to cure incurable diseases and also in controlling thoug hts and recording and playing back our dreams and much more.

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How to Cite
, Y. B. T. A. P. A. (2013). Study of Artificial Neural Networks and Neural Implants. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 1(4), 258–262.