T-learning - An evolution of new front for Indian Education System

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Prof Kamal K Vyas, Dr Sandhya Vyas


Time, distance, and language have been traditional hurdles in the path of formal education in India. Information technology (IT) and communication and computing technologies have made available powerful tools to a large section of the population in India now a day. In India, Hundreds of languages are spoken. Literacy in urban areas is 80%, and rural literacy is 56%. India has 192 million illiterate women, which is nearly one -third of all illiterate women in the world. While the educational divide is wide and causes concern, traditional methods of bridging it are limited by physical and fiscal factors. The increas es in numbers of teachers have tapered off from 5.6% in the 1950s to 1.6% in the 1980s. The average teacher: student ratio at primary level is 1: 58 in rural regions. This will become worse if the field of education is not revolutionized using recent technologies like e -learning , m-learning etc. T-Learning is an emerging field. T-Learning is a combination of learning services and technology to provide high value integrated learning; anytime, anyplace. It is represented as the next evolution in the Education industry and a new phase in the Digital Convergence.

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How to Cite
, P. K. K. V. D. S. V. (2013). T-learning - An evolution of new front for Indian Education System. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 1(1), 07–12. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v1i1.2723