A Frame Work for Ensuring Security and Privacy of PHR’S

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G Kumari, M Naveen Kumar, Dr. A Marysowjanya


Creating procedures to safely store information crosswise over cloud is a quite interesting research topic of late. Distributed computing concentrates on amplifying the viability of the common assets and is advantageousfor putting away / recovery of enormous measure of information. Personal Health Records (PHRs) areconsidered to remain the long lasting property of patients and have to be displayable helpfully and safely to choose guardians. My PHR Machine is a patient driven framework that takes a new structural approach for PHR interoperability. Patients can upload their medical information and share through remote Virtual machine. We have made a study on methods to secure PHRs and discover open model of My PHR Machines for the utilization instance of a certifiable patient situation.

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How to Cite
, G. K. M. N. K. D. A. M. (2016). A Frame Work for Ensuring Security and Privacy of PHR’S. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(11), 274–277. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v4i11.2645