Physical Study of the Paper Mill Effluent

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Manish Singh


In the present study, variation in water temperature had been found chiefly associated with temperature of the atmosphere and weather condition. It also depends upon the discharge of heated waste water which bring about thermal change in water electrical conductivity values becomes higher when electrolytes of different solubility increase in the waste water and dissociated into anions and cation. Electrical conductivity (mScm-1) varied greatly at different sites during different month. Transparency has been found to increase during winter month. Transparency of water is inversely proportional to turbidity which is turn reflect the amount of suspended organic and inorganic matter of effluent.

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How to Cite
, M. S. (2016). Physical Study of the Paper Mill Effluent. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(10), 243–247.