Effective use of Cloud Computing in Educational Organizations

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R. Meganathan, P. Jeyanthi


When people discuss about the new technologies evolved in IT field, one of the technologies comes to their minds is Cloud Computing. Cloud Computing is a recent technology emerged in IT field and has been spread widely over the world. It is an internet-based computing service on-demand. One of the main uses of Cloud Computing is in the educational field. This technology helps the educational institutes to easily shift from traditional teaching methods and ways into modern and sophisticated teaching. It offers attractive advantages to higher education. This paper mainly focuses on security and usefulness of cloud computing applications in educational field. This also focus on historical view of Cloud Computing, implementation of various service models like Infrastructure as a service(IAAS), Software as a service (SAAS) and Platform as a service(PAAS) as per education institutions’ requirement. As well as it considers the challenges and barriers of cloud computing in educational field.

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How to Cite
, R. M. P. J. (2016). Effective use of Cloud Computing in Educational Organizations. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(10), 176–179. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v4i10.2580