Survey on 2D-DCT Based Image Watermarking with High Implanting Limit and Robustness

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K. Namrata, R. C. Karpagalakshmi, Dr. D. Tensing


The proposed strategy displays a novel rank-based image watermarking. In watermark installing process, the host picture is separated into squares, trailed by 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). For every picture block, a mystery key is produced utilizing RFC 2898, which incorporates techniques for making a key and introduction vector (IV) from a secret word and salt. The inserting of watermark bits is completed by adjusting the arrangement of DCT coefficients utilizing a rank-based installing rule.The created mystery key is imparted to the receiver while sending the picture.On watermark location process, with the utilization of accessible mystery key, the watermarked bits are distinguished and are extricated inview of positions of discovery lattices. The pictures transferred for general visibility is shown by DCT which assumes a vital part in keeping up the measure of the picture amid this procedure. Since the proposed watermarking strategy just uses two DCT coefficients to shroud one watermark bit, high installing limit can be accomplished. Also, this strategy is free of host signalinterference. This sought component andthe use of a blunder cushion in watermarkinserting can bring about high vigor against assaults. Hypothetical examination and trial results will exhibit the adequacy of the proposed strategy.

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How to Cite
, K. N. R. C. K. D. D. T. (2016). Survey on 2D-DCT Based Image Watermarking with High Implanting Limit and Robustness. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(10), 161–164.