Blowfish Algorithm with Verifiable Outsourced using Cryptography

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Bawya. M, Raja. K, Dr. G. Tholkappia Arasu


Cloud Computing is an emerging paradigm in our day to day world. As good as it is, this technique also bring forth many new trails for data security and access control when users outsource sensitive data for sharing on cloud.Attribute-based encryption (ABE) is a promising strategy for ?ne-grained access control of scrambled information in a distributed storage, nonetheless, unscrambling included in the ABEs is generally excessively costly for asset compelled front-end clients, which incredibly blocks it’s down to earth fame. Keeping in mind the end goal to decrease the decoding overhead for a client to recuperate the plaintext wereoutsourced most of the unscrambling work without uncovering really information or private keys. Here a novel technique is proposed to build an ABE with Veri?able outsourced decryption based on a blowfish encryption. It provides a unified model, which can be considered in both key-policy (KP) and cipher text-policy (CP) settings. In verifiability,it guarantees the correctness of the transformation done between the original cipher text and the simplified cipher text. A major issue is the absence of access control rights. So, it considered an access key structure for improving the security and performance by specifying access rights for the authorized user. Access control rights, restrictions and privileges for an individual are established. The access control rights is validated and results shows increased security level.

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How to Cite
, B. M. R. K. D. G. T. A. (2016). Blowfish Algorithm with Verifiable Outsourced using Cryptography. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(10), 113–116.