Retrieval of Medical Details using Biometrics for a Smart City

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Ravi Giri, Yashika Agarwal, Rucha Bagewadi


In real world problems time is an important constraint in health related problems time is of utmost importance as someone’s life is at stake. So here we develop a system which can provide real time data about person’s medical history in a moving ambulance so these details can further be used to cure the victim and thus provide an easy and reliant system to the medical department. The proposed system uses fingerprint matching as an identification parameter for retrieval of medical details. Biometric system has shown promising future and it has been researched for long period of time. For fingerprint recognition biometrics is used and for fingerprint matching minutiae algorithm is used.

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How to Cite
, R. G. Y. A. R. B. (2016). Retrieval of Medical Details using Biometrics for a Smart City. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(10), 86–89.