Design and Simulation of Micro Strip Patch Antennas

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D.Anil kumar, Prof G. Uma Maheswar Reddy


Remote innovation is one of the fundamental territories of research in the realm of correspondence frameworks today and an investigation of correspondence frameworks is deficient without a comprehension of the operation and manufacture of radio wires. This was the principle purpose behind our selecting a venture concentrating on this field. The principal assemble concentrated on the manufacture and testing of an opened waveguide omnidirectional recieving wire and a biquad directional radio wire. The second gathering concentrated on the plan and reenactment of fix reception apparatuses (which are generally utilized as a part of cellphones today) with an accentuation on enhancement of a 1.9GHz rectangular probefed fix radio wire. A double band recieving wire and a microstrip encouraged patchantenna, utilized as a part of the correspondence lab were likewise reproduced.

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How to Cite
, D. kumar, P. G. U. M. R. (2016). Design and Simulation of Micro Strip Patch Antennas. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(10), 57–60.