A Technical Review on Energy Efficient Protocol based on PEGASIS and LEACH

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Mr. Tushar Chauhan, Ms. Meenakshi Nayyer


A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a new developing technology that enables users to interconnect without any physical arrangement of their geographical location so that sometimes referred to as an arrangement of fewer networks. An ad-hoc network is an adaptive, self-organizing device in mobile, should be able to detect the presence of any other devices that perform necessary set up to facilitate communication, sharing of data and service. The Clustering is used for the network lifetime and it is very important method in Mobile AD Hoc Networks. The scheme is used by the cluster head node which plays a very important role inside the transmitting packet process from one cluster to the other or nearest node. The power resource of each sensor node is limited in the cluster. Minimizing energy dissipation and maximizing network lifetime are important issue in the design of routing protocols for sensor networks. This paper proposes a comparison of LEACH and PEGASIS protocol which is intended to balance the energy consumption of the entire network and extend the lifetime of the network.

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How to Cite
, M. T. C. M. M. N. (2016). A Technical Review on Energy Efficient Protocol based on PEGASIS and LEACH. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(7), 303–307. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v4i7.2452