A Survey on Big Data and Cloud Computing

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D. Asir Antony Gnana Singh, B. Tamizhpoonguil, E. Jebamalar Leavline


In the information age, analyzing and extracting the knowledge from the data is a challenging task since the data are being accumulated massively from various sources and sectors. These massively accumulated data is known as big data since it possess the characteristics such as high volume, different variety and high velocity. Processing these big data using the normal work station is quiet complex since it is saturated with the vertical scalability. Therefore, processing the big data is a challenging task. Hence, the cloud computing arrives for handling massive data for storing and analyzing them to obtain the knowledge and make decisions to improve the productivity and the services. Therefore, conducting the study on the big data and the cloud computing is important to promote the research and development activities in the field of the big data and the cloud computing. Therefore, this paper presents a survey on the big data and cloud computing.

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How to Cite
, D. A. A. G. S. B. T. E. J. L. (2016). A Survey on Big Data and Cloud Computing. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(7), 273–277. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v4i7.2446