Integration of Configurable Dynamic Notification System with CSIBER Website

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Dr. Poornima G. Naik


In this digital era every academic institution and commercial setup investments enormously in hosting and maintenance of the website which plays a critical role in the success of an organization by making it reachable across wide geographical area at any time. A carefully designed website reflects institute’s best assets and delivers tremendous first-hand information to any user at any time irrespective of his/her geographical location. To stay in market there is a constant requirement for changing the look and feel and content of the website and incorporating dynamism into the website. It is inevitable to keep the website constantly updated since it is accessible to the public. As the new website data pertaining to event information, notification etc is constantly generated and old data soon becomes obsolete, it demands for continuous manual efforts from the human resource to keep the dynamically changing data current and up-to-date. It can save tremendous amount of human effort and time, if such a task is automated which in turn enables meaningful data to be displayed on the website with very little human intervention. To facilitate this new technologies such as jQuery, JSON, angular JS etc. are emerging continuously to name a few. In the current paper, the author has proposed an algorithm for the integration of dynamic notification system with existing website of CSIBER. The algorithm is implemented in PHP and MySQL and hosted on web server employing the web hosting service availed by the organization. The dynamic module is scheduled to be executed periodically on a daily basic by the Cron utility and server-side include is dynamically created and embedded in home page. Every month’s events can be scheduled and stored in the backend database which is parsed by dynamic module and the required data is accordingly generated. As a measure towards efficiency improvement, the tool is executed once per day instead of executing it for every user request. Two options are proposed for integration, one on client-side and the second one on the server-side. The dialog displaying the notification data is rendered mobile friendly and is subject to Google’s mobile friendly test.

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How to Cite
, D. P. G. N. (2016). Integration of Configurable Dynamic Notification System with CSIBER Website. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(7), 256–262.