Functional Analysis of Applications for Data Security and for Surfing Privacy Protection in the Internet

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Golan Carmi, Dan Bouhnik


Browser applications for the purpose of data security and surfing privacy allow the blockage of tracking measures and data collection regarding the user activity on the Internet. This article analyses the function of four common data security and privacy applications in the internet: Privacy Badger; Disconnect; Ghostery; and Privdog. The content analysis includes three aspects: functional activity, user interface design and economic-financial sources. The results show that in spite of the functional similarity between the applications, each application has its own unique approach for maintaining privacy and each acts in a different way and on different levels to secure the user data on the internet.

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How to Cite
, G. C. D. B. (2016). Functional Analysis of Applications for Data Security and for Surfing Privacy Protection in the Internet. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(7), 201–208.