Three-Dimensional Technology in the Educational Process and Learning

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Jabiz Golzar Moghadam


The need for extraordinary innovation in the field of electronics technology, has also changed the nature of education and the teaching process. On the other hand, as previous research has shown, the highest level of learning is done through the sense of sight. So it is worthy to use visual teaching aids, in order to achieve more, and we can also have it mixed with new technologies and prevent the vision students, to rely on the teachers only. One of these emerging technologies is the three-dimensional visual technology. This technology has a great potential, in most areas, that it has opened its place. The aim of this study is to evaluate the notice and interest of students in their learning process is technology the three-dimensional. The data which is needed; is collected with library research, and methodology of the study is cross-sectional in nature.

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How to Cite
, J. G. M. (2016). Three-Dimensional Technology in the Educational Process and Learning. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(7), 101–105.