Trends in the Solution of Distributed Data Placement Problem

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Rohini T V, Ramakrishna M V


Data placement for optimal performance is an old problem. For example the problem dealt with the placement of relational data in distributed databases, to achieve optimal query processing time. Heterogeneous distributed systems with commodity processors evolved in response to requirement of storage and processing capacity of enormous scale. Reliability and availability are accomplished by appropriate level of data replication, and efficiency is achieved by suitable placement and processing techniques. Where to place which data, how many copies to keep, how to propagate updates so as to maximize the reliability, availability and performance are the issues addressed. In addition to processing costs, the network parameters of bandwidth limitation, speed and reliability have to be considered. This paper surveys the state of the art of published literature on these topics. We are confident that the placement problem will continue to be a research problem in the future also, with the parameters changing. Such situations will arise for example with the advance of mobile smart phones both in terms of the capability and applications.

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How to Cite
, R. T. V. R. M. V. (2016). Trends in the Solution of Distributed Data Placement Problem. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(6), 615 –.