Design and development of Automated irrigation System

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Nayana Shivaji Gaikwad


This paper defines the method for development in traditional irrigation system. Using wireless Network System sensors are proposed to check soil moisture and field temperature. The system will use wireless network of soil moisture sensor and temperature sensor at root zone of plant. Data will be collected from sensors will be evaluated using algorithm. Some threshold points are to be set into micro controller for measurement. Photo voltaic panels are to be designed for power supply. Data communications will takes place with duplex communication link based on cellular-Internet interface that allowed for data analysis and irrigation scheduling will be programmed through a web page. System will be designed with low cost for water saving up to 80% compared with traditional irrigation particles of agricultural zone.

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How to Cite
, N. S. G. (2016). Design and development of Automated irrigation System. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(6), 518–520.