Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing

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Pooja .C. Mohod


Cloud computing has achieved a lot of publicity in the current world of I.T. Cloud computing is the biggest thing in the Internet world. Cloud computing is the use of the Internet for the tasks performed on the computer and it is visualized as next generation architecture of IT industry. The Cloud represents the internet. Internet is used for the communication. Cloud computing is used for the companies and the organizations. Cloud computing is related to several technologies. The different service models ie. SaaS, laaS, PaaP and development model i.e. Private, Public, Hybrid which are used with the companies and the organizations for the data security. In comparison to conventional methods Cloud Computing transfer application software and databases to the large data centers, where the data and services will not be fully trustworthy. This researcher paper, focus on secure data storage in cloud.

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How to Cite
, P. .C. M. (2016). Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(6), 490–493.