Apache Hive

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Haresh Masand, Deep Mandani, Aman Dikshit, Ameya Parkar


The size of data coming from various has increased rapidly. Within few seconds; terabytes of data is collected by servers today. Sources includes data from Internet, satellites, social networking sites, mobile phones, etc. So processing such colossal amount of data with relational database is proving costly and impacting performance. Hadoop is a popular open- source framework used for processing such large data sets. Hadoop uses Map-Reduce programming for processing the datasets. Map reduce is a low level and requires to write their own custom mapreduce tasks. This requires knowledge of programming language either c++, Python, Java or Ruby. So to avoid this problem Hive was introduced. Hive is an open source data warehousing tool that is built on top of hadoop. It is SQL-Like Language which is very useful for non technical or a person is not into development but still can process data using hadoop framework.

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How to Cite
, H. M. D. M. A. D. A. P. (2016). Apache Hive. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(6), 454–456. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v4i6.2342