Dual Axis Solar Tracker Using Arduino Uno

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Dhanalakshmi.V, Lakshmi Prasanna.H.N, Priyanka.V, Rani. K.J


The variation in sun availability occurs daily because of day night cycle and also seasonally because of the earth’s orbit around the sun. Population of the world is getting increased rapidly day by day and the demand for energy is increasing appropriately. During the recent decades, the main sources of energy such as the Oil and coal are expected to end up from the world. This ends up in a serious problem for providing the world with the most affordable and reliable source of energy. All the people in the world need the renewable energy resources which is inexhaustible. In this paper we propose dual axis solar tracker by which it is possible to conserve full amount of power by the solar panel by receiving the high intensity sun light using Arduino board.

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How to Cite
, D. L. P. P. R. K. (2016). Dual Axis Solar Tracker Using Arduino Uno. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(6), 386–388. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v4i6.2328