Enhancement of Productivity and Minimization of Waste using Lean Construction Techniques

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Aakanksha Ingle, Prof Ashish Waghmare


The Lean construction is aimed at improving construction performance by eliminating wastes that do not add value to the customer. In this technique waste is minimized and productivity is enhanced. In this case study researchers tried to study the effects of lean construction on waste minimization and on overall project completion. With the help from project manager data was collected with reference to performance and application of lean techniques, the study focuses on one project near Pune city in Maharashtra, in this project problems were identified and solutions are provided for further improvements. The study also focuses on identifying various barriers towards implementation of lean techniques in constructions. The study is based upon primary data collected after implementation of lean construction techniques in one of the projects in Pune. The Last planner concept was also used for observing the productivity improvements over time.

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How to Cite
, A. I. P. A. W. (2016). Enhancement of Productivity and Minimization of Waste using Lean Construction Techniques. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(6), 377–385. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v4i6.2327