A text Ontology Method based on mining Develop D –MATRIX

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Tanaji L Dhikale, Asso. Prof. Mr. Ajay Kumar Kurra


In this issue, we demonstrate a text mining method of ontology based on the development and updating of a D-matrix naturally extraction of a large number of verbatim repairs (written in unstructured text) collected during the analysis stages. dependence (D) Fault - Matrix is a systematic demonstrative model is used to capture data symptomatic level progressive elimination system including dependencies between observable symptoms and failure modes associated with a frame. Matrix is a time D-long process. The development of D-matrix from first standards and update using the domain information is a concentrated work. In addition, increased D-die time for the disclosure of new symptoms and failure modes observed for the first race is a difficult task. In this methodology, we first develop the fault diagnosis ontology includes concepts and relationships regularly seen in fault diagnosis field. Then we use text mining algorithm that make use of this ontology to distinguish basic items, such as coins, symptoms, failure modes, and conditions of the unstructured text verbatim repair. The proposed technique is tools like a prototype tool and accepted using real - life information collected from cars space.

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How to Cite
, T. L. D. A. P. M. A. K. K. (2016). A text Ontology Method based on mining Develop D –MATRIX. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(6), 360–363. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v4i6.2323