Secure Auditing and Maintaining Block Level Integrity with Reliability of Data in Cloud

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Ms. Aishwarya R. Kumthekar, Prof. Jyoti Raghatwan


Cloud storage systems are becoming increasingly popular and popular and the cloud computing is getting enhance day by day it needs to provide more security with secure auditing. For storing large and large amount of data in cloud, requires more space and data can be replicated which will increase the space and cost too unnecessarily. To avoid this deduplication needs to be done. So , in this paper, pondering the main issue of honesty and secure deduplication on cloud information. Specifically, going for achieving both information uprightness as well as deduplication in cloud. And in this paper, proposing the algorithm which will audit securely and provide block level deduplication as well as it will maintain reliability of data in cloud

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How to Cite
, M. A. R. K. P. J. R. (2016). Secure Auditing and Maintaining Block Level Integrity with Reliability of Data in Cloud. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(6), 355–359.