Data Security in Cloud Computing Using Threshold Cryptography and User Revocation

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Nikeetaa P. Choudharri, Ms. Kanchan M. Varpe


Cloud computing is extremely well known in associations and foundations on the grounds that it provides services at low cost. Nonetheless, it additionally presents new difficulties for guaranteeing the confidentiality, integrity and access control of the information. Few methodologies are proposed to guarantee these security prerequisites however they are needed in a few routes, for example, infringement of information confidentiality. To address these issues a plan is proposed that make use of threshold cryptography in which information proprietor partitions clients in gatherings and provides single key to each client bunch for decoding of information and, every client in the gathering shares parts of the key. This plan not just gives the solid information confidentiality additionally lessens the quantity of keys and manages access control and user revocation.

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How to Cite
, N. P. C. M. K. M. V. (2016). Data Security in Cloud Computing Using Threshold Cryptography and User Revocation. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(6), 293–297.