Upgradation of Manual Magnetic Core Drill Machine

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Ms. Anuja V. Vaidya, Dr. Mrs. S. B. Patil


This paper deals with the upgradation of existing manual core drill machine. The existing manual core drill machine requires a labor operator every time to drill the hole till the drilling gets completed. So more time is required and accuracy is reduced. So the main aim is to make core drill machine fully automatic. So the automatic part can be developed by developing some of the part related to current sensing and controlling, depth sensing using encoder, no load position sensing , enrolling the required depth through the keypad and operating it with the stepper motor.

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How to Cite
, M. A. V. V. D. M. S. B. P. (2016). Upgradation of Manual Magnetic Core Drill Machine. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(6), 228–230. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v4i6.2294