“Implementation on Distorted Fingerprints”

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Mr. Ganesh V. Kakade, Prof. Bere S. S.


Flexible distortion of fingerprints is the main origin of false non-match. While this origin disturbs all fingerprint recognition applications, it is mainly risk in negative recognition applications, such as watch list duplication applications. In such things, malignant user mayconsciously distort their fingerprints to hide his originality or identification. This paper, suggested novel algorithms to identify and modify skin distortion based on a single fingerprint image. Distortion detection is displayed as a two-class categorization problem, for which the registered ridge orientation map and period map of a fingerprint are beneficial as the feature vector and a SVM classifier is trained to act the classification task. Distortion rectification (or equivalently distortion field estimation) is viewed as a regression complication, where provide the input as a distorted fingerprint and generate the output as distortion field. To clarify this Problem, offline and online stages are important. A database (called reference database) of various distorted reference fingerprints and corresponding distortion fields is built in the offline stage, and then in the online stage, the closest neighbor of the input fingerprint is organized in the reference database and the corresponding distortion field is used to transform (Convert) the input distorted fingerprint into a normal undistorted fingerprints.

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How to Cite
, M. G. V. K. P. B. S. S. (2016). “Implementation on Distorted Fingerprints”. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(6), 178–182. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v4i6.2281