High Sensitive and Relevant Data Sharing with Secure and Low Time Consuming

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Princy.B, Nishley Elizabeth Joseph


Intermittent connection of networks and partition taken place frequently are likely to be suffered in military environments. Wireless devices are enabled in the network for accessing the confidential data with security by utilizing the storage nodes and alsothere is a communication with each other.Several privacy challenges andsecurity is based upon the attribute revocation and coordination of attributes issued from differentauthorities independentlywhich are introduced by the ABE scheme.For data encryption and decryption scalability is provided by ABE. In the case of encrypting the data, it is encrypted using certain polices and the attributes based upon the private keys and for decrypting the data it must possess some attributes that must match with the security policy that is applied in the particular data. The confidentiality of the stored data evenin the hostile area where key authorities are not fully trusted. In this paper, we demonstrate method of applying the proposed scheme in high sensitive and relevant data sharing with secure and low time consuming

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How to Cite
, P. N. E. J. (2016). High Sensitive and Relevant Data Sharing with Secure and Low Time Consuming. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(6), 79–80. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v4i6.2258