Automated Text Abstraction from Documents and Webpages Metadata using Probabilistic Clusteringalgorithms

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Silja Joy, Asst Prof. Nisha J. R.


Annotations are comments, notes, explanations, tagsor other types of external remarks. Annotation can be added to a text document or few portions of document or to a webpage. Annotation helps effective information retrievals. Webpage metadata is the data related with website, it is machine understandable information about web resources or other tags.Collaborative annotations are based on user created tags to annotate new objects. These tags are related user created labels for entities and allows user to organize and index the contents. Tagging is the act of adding keywords to objects. There have been significant amount of work to be performed in coming up with the tags for text documents or other resources like webpages, images and videos. Automated Annotation System (AAS) which uses algorithms like K-Means and Distributed Hash Table (DHT) to automatically create the attribute or annotation from documents or metadata of webpages. This proposed annotation technique provides the processing of metadata and/or text to efficiently come up with annotations rather than manually understanding the metadata or analyzing the text.

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How to Cite
, S. J. A. P. N. J. R. (2016). Automated Text Abstraction from Documents and Webpages Metadata using Probabilistic Clusteringalgorithms. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(6), 17–20.