A Review : The Real Time Water Quality Monitoring System based on IoT Platform

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Mr. Swapnil Katole, Prof. Yogesh Bhute


Good water quality is essential for the health of our aquatic ecosystems. Continuous water quality monitoring is an important tool for catchment management authorities, providing real-time data for environmental protection and tracking pollution sources; however, continuous water quality monitoring at high temporal and spatial resolution remains prohibitively expensive. In this system we present a design and development of a low cost system for real time monitoring of the water quality using IOT(internet of things).The system consist of several sensors is used to measuring physical and chemical parameters of the water. The parameters such as temperature, turbidity, PH, Flow of the water can be measured. The measured values from the sensors can be processed by the core controller. The Raspberry pi can be used as a core controller. Finally, the sensor data can be viewed on internet using cloud computing.

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How to Cite
, M. S. K. P. Y. B. (2017). A Review : The Real Time Water Quality Monitoring System based on IoT Platform. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(2), 302–305. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v5i2.221