Scope of Women Entrepreneurship in India

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Ms. Monika Dahiya Ms. Habiba Abbasi


The growth and development of any country depends upon how well its resources, be it physical, financial or human, are put to use. Amongst these resources, the most vital are the human resources. It is these human resources who utilize other resources and contribute to development of the nation. Richness in material and financial resources will be insufficient if a nation lacks entrepreneurship amongst its people. The human resources of any country must possess enterprising spirit which is a pre requisite for growth. An entrepreneur not only earns his livelihood but also creates opportunities for others. Women form an essential part of the human resource of any country. They make a sustained effort towards the development of the country. The entrepreneurial scenario in India has changed over the years. India has witnessed a splurge in women entrepreneurs in the last decade. Overcoming the barriers of the patriarchal society existing in the country, women have come forward and proved that they too have the capabilities and innovative thinking to start their own business. This paper focuses on the rising trend of women entrepreneurship in India, the hurdles that they face and the initiatives taken by the government to support and encourage women in their endeavors. It also discusses some of the successful women entrepreneurs of India.

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How to Cite
, M. M. D. M. H. A. (2016). Scope of Women Entrepreneurship in India. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(5), 423–426.