A Review: Implementation of Advance Adaptive Traffic Light Control System Using DIP and Embedded

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Miss. Shweta S. Malekar, Prof. Yogesh Bhute


As we know the population of city and number of cars is increasing day by day. With increasing urban population and hence the number of cars, need of controlling streets, highways and roads is vital. In this paper, a system that estimates the size of traffic in highways by using image processing has been proposed and as a result a message is shown to inform the number of cars in highway. This project has been implemented by using the Matlab software and it aims to prevent heavy traffic in highways. Moreover, for implementing this project following steps must be considered: 1) image acquisition 2) RGB to grayscale transformation 3) image enhancement and 4) morphological operations. At first, film of highway is captured by a camera has been installed in highway. Then, the film comes in the form of consecutive frames and each frame is compared with the first frame. After that, the number of cars in highways is specified. At the end, if the number of cars is more than a threshold, a message is shown to inform the traffic status. By this message we can predict the need to reduce the size of traffic carried. Experiments show that the algorithm will work properly.

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How to Cite
, M. S. S. M. P. Y. B. (2017). A Review: Implementation of Advance Adaptive Traffic Light Control System Using DIP and Embedded. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(2), 298–301. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v5i2.220