Anonymous Key Generation Technique with Contributory Broadcast Encryption

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Ankush V. Ajmire, Falesh M. Shelke, Prof. Avinash P. Wadhe


Encryption is used in a communication system to secure information in the transmitted messages from anyone other than the well-intended receiver. To perform the encryption and decryption the transmitter and receiver should have matching encryption and decryption keys. For sending safeguard information to group needed broadcast encryption (BE). BE allows a sender to securely broadcast to any subset of members and require a trusted party to distribute decryption keys. Group key agreement (GKA) protocol allows a number of users to establish a common secret channel via open networks. Observing that a major goal of GKA for most applications is to create a confidential channel among group members, but a sender cannot omit any particular member from decrypting the cipher texts. By bridging BE and GKA notion with a hybrid primitive referred to as contributory broadcast encryption (CBE). With these primitives, a group of members move through a common public encryption key while each member having there decryption key. A sender seeing the public group encryption key can limit the decryption to subset of members of sender’s choice. A simple way to generate these keys is to use the public key distribution system invented by Diffie and Hellman. That system, however, pass only one pair of communication stations to share a particular pair of encryption and decryption keys. Key distribution sets are used to generate keys and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is used for the encryption and decryption of documents; and this going to provide the security for the documents over group communication.

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How to Cite
, A. V. A. F. M. S. P. A. P. W. (2016). Anonymous Key Generation Technique with Contributory Broadcast Encryption. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(5), 277–281.