Smart Automation System and Control Using Raspberry PI and ESP 8266

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Miss. Prachi Bhure, Miss. Naziya Pathan, Mr. Shyam Dubey


Automation is a technique or system of controlling a processor by electronic devices with reducing human involvement to a minimum. This paper presents a design of monitoring andcontrolling home automation system from an android application based on Raspeberry Pi. A system uses Wi-Fi technology as a communication protocol to connect system components. A home automation system consist of two main components; the first part is android application that can give orders to units that one wishes to control by locally or remotely and the second part is RaspberryPi that has an appropriate interface to sensors and appliances of a home automation system and communicates with android application through wireless technology . The home automation system can have a vital role in reducing the total energy consumed by home appliances.

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How to Cite
, M. P. B. M. N. P. M. S. D. (2017). Smart Automation System and Control Using Raspberry PI and ESP 8266. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(2), 286–290.