IOT Based Intelligent Bin for Smart Cities

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Meghana K C, Dr. K R Nataraj


The method of connecting the objects or things through wireless connectivity, Internet called Internet Of Things. Nowadays a variety of tasks are based on IOT. Cities in the world are becoming smarter by implementing the things around using IOT. This is a new trend in technology. Smart cities include obstacle tracking, object sensing, traffic control, tracking of our activities, examining the baby, monitoring home lights and so on. One of the objective of smart cities is keeping the environment clean and neat. This aim is not fulfilled without the garbage bin management system. Hence the paper “IOT Based Intelligent Bin for Smart Cities” has been developed. Bin management is one of the major applications of IOT. Here sensors are connected to the all the bins at different areas. It senses the level of garbage in bin. When it reaches threshold a message is sent via GSM to the concerned person to clean it as soon as possible. The completed task is done in LabVIEW environment.

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How to Cite
, M. K. C. D. K. R. N. (2016). IOT Based Intelligent Bin for Smart Cities. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(5), 225–229.