An Optimization Model for Cargo Container Loading Plan Problem for Seafood Products

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Zainal Azis, Herman Mawengkang


— Recently Indonesian Government is focusing in marine fishery industry to be one of the key component for developing the economic of the country. Seafood products belong to this industry. In order to distribute rapidly the seafood products around Indonesia the fish industries need air express carrier service. These carrier flights are one-stop, from an origin, to the hub, then to destination. Airport operations include those at the origins, at the destinations and at the hub. In this paper we consider logistics supply chain decision problem which arises in marine fisheries industry in Indonesia. The loading planning problem is to deliver seafood products using air carriers. The objective of the model is to minimize the total container operation costs, subject to the related operating constraints. Due to the perishability of the products, if overflow occurred they should be transported by third party. The model is formulated as a mixed integer programs. We develop a neighborhood search approach for solving the model.

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How to Cite
, Z. A. H. M. (2016). An Optimization Model for Cargo Container Loading Plan Problem for Seafood Products. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(5), 195–200.